Car Loans

Did you know that if your car is fully paid, you can use it to solve your financial struggles?

Yes! With your OR/CR as loan collateral, you can enjoy driving your car while having financial assistance from us. Rest assured that what we will offer is tailored-fit to your needs with reasonable interest rates.

Start your loan journey with us and let Nala Loans drive you towards a safe and hassle-free direction.

Why choose NALA?

The benefits of getting a loan with Nala


Trusted by Filipinos

Value for your Money

A surprisingly low-cost option that works and with great results


We are a team with 20 years of combined experience.

Suggestions on where to use the loan for

  • Starting Up A Business
  • Extra Capital For Your Existing Business
  • Funds For Medical Purposes
  • Unforeseen Expense
  • For Educational Purposes
  • For Your Travel Or Personal Expenses

Initial Requirements

  • Copy of Original Title
  • Proof of Income
  • Latest Tax Declaration
  • Picture of Property

Additional Requirements

  • Certificate True Copy of Transfer
  • Updated Real Estate Tax Reciept
  • Tax Clearance
  • Vicinity Map
  • 3 Valid I.D`S
  • Proof of Billing
  • Birth Certificate (If Single)
  • Marriage Certificate (If Married)

Fund your overseas trip, your child's future, or your business

with NALA loans

Fund your overseas trip, your child's future, or your business

with NALA loans